Things To Appreciate This Moment
In one study Southwest Airlines found that 95% of customer complaints were about 5% of their employees. The main reason for the complaints were the staff members either ignoring or becoming frustrated with customer needs. In short, the staff members thought of themselves first.
Southwest Airlines conceived a rather genius way to eliminate these types of employees. They began to hold group interviews in which prospective employees gave a speech about why they should be hired.
However, the interviewers didn’t watch the speaker, they watched the audience. If the other members leaned towards the speaker and showed support, they got hired. If on the other hand they didn’t make eye contact and didn’t pay attention, they were cut from the interview. It showed they couldn’t give their attention to another person, they were only thinking about their own needs.
Engagement and being fully present in the moment is a powerful thing. It is said that we are drowning in information but starving for wisdom. What gets our attention most is what moves us emotionally. We are also moved by people we feel are giving us their full attention.
Studies show that if you listen to a speaker, in four weeks you will remember 10% of what you heard. If you take notes you can recall 50% of what you heard. But if engage emotionally and physically in the talk you can recall 90% of what you heard. Being present and emotionally experiencing the moment makes it memorable. This is a greater level of engagement, and it is where deep change can happen.
You can influence someone in the same way by being fully present, mentally and emotionally with them and giving them your full attention. You will create an unforgettable moment for them.
Part of being present in the moment is living with a sense of gratitude.
Cloe Madanes shares that when people struggle to think of what they are grateful for they can simply consider all the people behind the scenes who make things happen that impact our lives. For instance, almost every product you purchase went through the hands of dozens of people to reach you, yet how often do we stop and share appreciation for their work?
So think of things you can choose to appreciate, and consider ways to show your lover more presence in the moment. As the holidays become busy, consciously choose to give your attention to those around you, and fully appreciate the gifts you have in them.