The Two Types Of Courage You Need To Reach Your Dreams

Tobin Crenshaw
2 min readDec 8, 2020


Mark Peysha offers a daily practice that can help you keep your goals at the forefront of your thinking. Best of all it will not take any extra time to complete because it is something you are already doing.

Thinking is the foundation of your destiny. What you focus on is what you feel. How you feel will determine the quality of your actions. Your actions will determine your life. With the average person having 60,000 thoughts a day it is easy to see how quickly our legacy can be shaped by what goes on in our mind.

So here is a tool that you can use to guide your thinking in the direction of your goal every day. Simply make your passwords to your computer and phone and social media account reflect your outcome.

It is important to make this statement present tense so it speaks to your subconscious mind more clearly. For instance, if you want to lose weight, make your password something like I am thin. Or maybe you want to highlight a characteristic and say I am strong or I am sexy.

The main thing is to know that whenever you can focus your thoughts on your outcome it is important to do so. Jack Cianciosi shares that too many are, “Constantly thinking about the past, usually with longing or regret, or the future, often with hope or trepidation.” Eastern philosophy terms this the “monkey mind”, where thoughts randomly jump from place to place and feelings rise and fall seemingly on autopilot.

The solution is to consciously focus on the thoughts you want to have. As Ruben Gonzalez eloquently said of goals, “You need two types of courage. First, the courage to get started. Second, the courage to not quit!” Use this simple tool to help ensure you don’t give up until you reach your dream.



Tobin Crenshaw
Tobin Crenshaw

Written by Tobin Crenshaw

TOBIN CRENSHAW is a strategic interventionist and graduate of Robbins-Madanes Training. A former Marine, he completed graduate studies in theology.

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