Ruth Mercer’s Incredible Story
Comedian Kathy Buckley was abused as a child. Hearing impaired, one day a jeep she did not hear on the road slammed into her body, leaving her paralyzed for five years.
From these painful moments, she grew incredible spiritual muscle, determining to live to bring happiness into the world. Eventually recovering from the accident and moving away from her abusers, she became a comedian.
One day she met Ruth Mercer, a quadriplegic who could not walk, talk, or move her body. As she would learn, Ruth could communicate by blinking her eyes. (Eventually a computer was designed to read her eye movement, and Ruth typed out two bestselling books by blinking at a screen, one letter at a time.)
As Kathy would share, meeting Ruth changed her life. Ruth was married, inspiring, changing the lives of other disabled people, and most of all, she was joyful. Kathy told her some jokes, and though unable to speak, Ruth was able to laugh.
Ruth died a number of years ago, touching countless lives. As Buckley recalled meeting her, she shared with a crowd, “Ruth impacted thousands of lives and all she could do was blink her eyes.” What is your excuse?