Moving Out Of The Comfort Zone
Ultramarathon runner Dean Karnazes, who has run 350 miles nonstop, shared, “We think that if we had every comfort available to us, we’d be happy. We equate comfort with happiness. And now we are so comfortable we are miserable. There’s no struggle in our lives, and no sense of adventure.”
Or as Tony Robbins often shares, our biggest problem is thinking we shouldn’t have problems. But in reality, it is problems that help us grow spiritual, emotional, and psychological muscle.
Just as a dumbbell being lifted in the gym helps a bicep grow through resistance, challenges and obstacles in life act as a psychological weight to help us build spiritual stamina and strength.
It is important to see problems as an opportunity to grow in each area of our life. When we begin to think in such a way, we are no longer a victim to circumstance, but the one in charge of our life. That is why controlling our thoughts is so important.
As Louise Hays shares, “The thoughts we choose to think are the tools we use to paint the canvas of our lives.”
A century ago Thaddeus, a Serbian monk, echoed the say thing when he said, “Our thoughts determine our lives.”
When we move from thinking we shouldn’t have problems, to a place of embracing challenges as a chance to test our mettle, it is game over. Obstacles no longer hold power over us, but instead are embraced for what they truly are, a chance to show the world our true strength and determination to never give up.