Does The Soul Weigh 21 Grams?
Several years ago controversial studies were conducted that weighed people at the moment of death. Ruling out any known physical cause, it was found that people lost 21 grams of weight when they died. Evidence of the existence of a soul?
Perhaps, but however one interprets the data from the studies, sacred writings have always stated that people are far more than flesh and bones, with worth that is beyond the physical world. It was of course Jesus himself who made the statement, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36).
There is a fascinating story in the book of Judges about a man named Manoah. He and his wife have been childless for some time when a mysterious visitor shows up at their door. It is a scene that is common in scripture; a couple without child, an unexpected messenger announces the birth of a special infant, and all of history is changed.
It is a story that we find in the life of Abraham, later in the life of John the Baptist’s parents, and similarly with Joseph and Mary. And while the name Manoah is probably not well known, the child that his wife shall bear is, his name is Samson.
What is fascinating in the story is the visitor that announces the upcoming birth. When Manoah asks his name he replies, “Why do you ask My name, seeing it is wonderful?” (Judges 13:18).
This description will later be taken up by Isaiah when he announces the birth of the Messiah and tells us, “He will be called Wonderful” (Isaiah 9:6). Standing there before Manoah was the Christ himself, bringing about a miracle in answer to Manoah’s prayer.
The late Derek Prince once shared, “I don’t think God wants us to feel guilty. God’s aim is to make us feel righteous in Christ.” Such is the work of the one whose name is Wonderful. He comes not to bring judgment, but that through him people might know the life that is truly life.
So, do people lose 21 grams when they die? Only time will tell, but Jesus tells us there is much to be either lost or gained depending on whether or not we trust in him.
And what he makes clear is that the weight of the whole world doesn’t compare to the life that is found in him, a life that cannot be measured on a scale, but only in terms of eternity, and is summarized in one word, wonderful.