Coronavirus, MSM, And The Ten Day Mental Cleanse
Americans annually consume 13 billion pills for stress and 16000 tons of aspirin. Research continually reveals that the vast majority (upwards of 90%) of doctor visits are stress related.
Fear and anger trigger over one thousand chemical reactions in the human body causing even more illness and distress. According to Dr. Redford Williams, the main attitude emotionally unhealthy people carry around is cynicism, which is distrust in the motives of other people leading to even more anger.
In the 1600s Christian Huygens discovered something fascinating about pendulum clocks. One day he noticed that all of the pendulums were in sync with one another. When he set them apart they soon began swinging together again. In fact, he found that the largest clock pulled the rest of the clocks in sync, something scientists call entrainment.
Huygens discovery has tremendous implications for us today, because we also have a pendulum in our bodies, the heart. Beating 100,000 times per day, the heart is a marvel of creation. In fact, for developing babies in the womb the heart begins to beat before the brain is formed.
In biblical times the seat of emotions was the heart. It was Jesus who said, “The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him (i.e. in the heart), and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him” (Matthew 12:35).
So what is the answer to the stress and cynicism of our culture? It is a change of heart. While many people are convinced that biography is destiny, the truth is that we can change in a moment. When we raise our standards and declare that we will no longer settle for less than our best, our internal drive is ignited and we become unstoppable.
Want to do one of the healthiest things you can do for your life, your loved ones, your world and your heart? Learn to think different thoughts and sow different actions that are driven by love instead of fear. Store up in your heart the wonder of special moments that can be seen when your eyes are opened to the possibilities around you. Then your strength can entrain other people away from fear and anger and into love.
Years ago James Allen designed a ten day mental challenge as a place to start. There are three simple rules; the first is to refuse to dwell on negative things for the next ten consecutive days. Second, if you catch yourself in a negative thought, immediately change your focus. Lastly, if you hang onto a negative thought for more than five minutes, you must start the ten days over.
The truth is, when your thoughts are transformed you entire life changes. And that changes not only everything for you, but also for the people around you.